Is My Audemars Real?

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Known as one of the highest quality watch brands in Europe, Audemars is often faked and unfortunately, if you are unbeknownst to the details of the watch, you could be duped into purchasing a fake. True Audemars watches are a timeless classic and not only look sleek on the wrist, but they are also quite valuable too. Spotting a fake may not always be as easy as you think, especially since those who pass off fake watches know what they are doing. Below, we will provide you with some tips and tricks to help you identify authentic Audemars.

Get the Box and Certificate

An Audemars watch will come with a certificate of authenticity and a serial number listed on the box itself. If you have a watch that did not come with either of these, it is possibly a fake. While a box and certificate can help validate a true watch, it is not the only factor you want to take into consideration because unfortunately, this alone cannot determine if an Audemars is real.

Check Out the Quality

With your Audemars in hand, check out the quality of it. Poor quality is one of the key signs that the watch you are holding is indeed a fake. Fake watches will usually sport imperfections, even if they are the slightest faults. Knowing the weight of the watch is another important aspect as there should be some weight to it. If it feels too light, it could be a fake.

Other key areas you want to inspect include:

Text and Spelling – there should be no unclear markings or text and the spelling should be error-free

Pattern – the Audemars has a unique design and each one should be studied to ensure it follows the style and pattern set out for it. You can look at other verified authentic watches to see the pattern

Screws – all screws should be evenly screwed into the watch and should be of the same color and type. The screws should also all be metal and not coated. If you see any issues, it is a fake

Ticking Sound – Audemars watches are known for being quiet so if you have a loud watch on your hand, this should be a red flag

Know the Price

Think about the price of the watch you purchased. If the watch was under the market value, then you likely have a fake on your hands. You should be paying market value or more for your Audemars and anything lower is probably not the true brand. Luxury watches hold their value so if you find that the price on the tag is too good to be true, it is.

Have the Watch Looked At

If you are unsure if the Audemars you are holding is real or fake, it is best to have it checked out by a trusted watch dealer. They will be able to authenticate the watch for you and ensure that it is true to its name.

Having too many Audemars on hand is not a problem you usually hear about but if you find yourself in a position where you want to sell your Audemars watch in NYC, we are here to help. The team at NYC Jewelry and Watch Buyers will appraise your watch and offer you a fair price to purchase it. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment or come on by our shop.

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